Monday, May 23, 2005

Sith Happens?

I thought that the advertising for Attack of the Clones was bad when they said, "Who Da Man? YO-da man!". Now they have that stupid-ass "Sith Happens" (a clever play on that side-splitting bumper sticker Shit Happens) commercial that keeps playing during prime time. Granted, it's not as bad as the YO-da Man horseshit, but it just furthers the notion that everyone associated with the Star Wars phenomenon these days is an immature moron. But I guess that's only an extension of what the movies have become.

I was tempted to see Revenge of the Sith after hearing rave reviews from my SAT students and reading somewhat positive reviews online. That urge was killed after watching Fox's broadcast of Clones last night. Seeing that it was on, I thought to myself, "Maybe I should watch it. Maybe I was just swayed by all those critical friends of mine. Didn't I actually like it?". Three hours later, I have to say no, that movie entirely blew. It's not even worth elaborating on why - anyone who reads this blog probably already knows why. I just wonder if Lucas originally intended Star Wars to be geared towards children, since that's obviously the audience for whom he made these newer movies.

I could be wrong though. Perhaps "Sith Happens" is actually a witty tagline. Maybe some advertising exec thought "Shit Happens" would be a good explanation for what happened to Lucas's vision. Yeah, and maybe Lucas isn't a creatively and physically stunted superfan of his own work who cares more about money than wasting three hours of my Sunday night.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, come on--"Clones" wasn't completely worthless! We had some laughs. My favorite part is still that scene where Natalie Portman falls out of a ship speeding over the desert at 200 mph. After crashing to the ground, dramatically rolling down the sand dune and lying motionless for what seems like half an hour she immediately bounces up when a friendly plastic soldier asks her if she's okay. So she's kinda like Wolverine in that way--healing from horrible internal injuries so quickly. But then again, Wolverine doesn't run like a goofy dork.

5/23/2005 1:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've always wondered what happened to the other versions of that scene that didn't make the cut. I mean, don't they shoot multiple takes in case some suck? And doesn't that mean there were some takes that were worse than that one? What kind of train wreck must they have been? I need to know these things.

5/23/2005 3:50 PM  
Blogger RJW said...

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5/23/2005 6:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

RJW said...
i watched the last half of clones last night as well. still don't think i've seen it from the beginning. i have no taste, but i didn't mind it at all. i'll be sure to watch Sith when it comes out on Fox in a year or two. I'll admit i watched most of phantom menace the weekend before on fox as well. And i do want to see episodes 4-6 again as well since i barely remember them. after that i think i'll watch all 12 star trek movies and 50 seasons

5/23/2005 6:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

look at me quoting myself.
i was testing the delete comment feature which works if you login and copy and pasted.

5/23/2005 6:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I saw parts of that re-run of "...clones" on sunday night, and kept saying to myself "wow, the new movie is so much better than this crap."

give it a chance in spite of the unfortunate marketing...


5/23/2005 7:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

thank you for noticing the the way she ran. i actually spit coke on the chair in front of me she did the goof-run.

5/28/2005 9:53 PM  

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