Monday, July 18, 2005

You Could Take Him. Totally.

Thanks to Drew for alerting me to this gem.

I've had many a similar conversation with my friends. Instead of focusing on twelve-year old's, though, we concentrated on frat boys. Oh, and we'd win. Lord, how we'd win. "What's the secret to whupping countless frat boys?", you ask.

Passion. Inner fire. The Eye of the Tiger.

Every guy has it and can tap into it at the crucial moment. Never mind that he's never done it before. If some prick fucks with him enough, he'll reach within himself, find something mean, and fold the affronting bastard into a paper airplane. A bloody paper airplane.

That crazy, super-octane, testosterone pump grants its extraordinary powers in a variety of ways. One day it could turn you into an immensely powerful, slavering hulk; while at another time, it'll make you cold, calculating, and mean. Hell, it might even make you into the dirtiest, most shameless fighter in the world. Just be aware that it's dangerous and it's in there.

Especially in short, repressed, asian guys.


Blogger Bill said...

damn, that blog really nailed that question. i say though jed, if i gave you a baseball bat, a yo-yo, and some 'pk-fire', you could take on an endless melee of 12-year olds.

7/19/2005 1:50 PM  

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