Monday, April 10, 2006

One common beginning many writers seem to take is writing reviews. Sarah Vowell got her start writing about bands like Nirvana. Why shouldn't I do the same? Of course, I'm neither cool nor motivated enough to go out and find something new to review. Instead, I've decided to do a book review on something that's been out since the mid-nineties. And, since I am a nerd with an attention span severely stunted by years of video games, I'm going to review a comic book. Please feel free to skip today's post. I understand completely.

I've heard so many good things about the Preacher series -- IGN even ran an article a couple of weeks ago, listing it as one of the greatest comics of modern day -- that I finally picked up the first volume, Gone To Texas, last week. This is the first in a collection of nine, each costing about fifteen bucks. It's a hefty investment to buy all of them, but there doesn't seem to be any other way if you want to read them, since the content is way too adult for libraries to carry. Based on what I read in the first one, I think I'll save my money.

It's not that it's a bad comic. The artwork is solid, if a bit too gruesome for my taste; the storyline is original; and the characters are compelling. It just seems a bit juvenile to me. Big surprise from a comic book, right? But great comics today read more like... Oh God, this is drivel. Look, just don't waste your money. The archnemesis is a resurrected, supernatural being who kills people with his six-shooters. He's so evil, he doesn't even have to reload. The dialogue sounds as though it were penned by a thirteen year-old who's just discovered the "F" word. For example:
Cassidy: Curiosity won't just KILL the cat, it'll bite its head off and stump-fuck the remains 'til the sun comes up!
Also, some of the most intricate, detailed work in the entire book is reserved for sex scenes between an angel and a demon. As I said: JUVENILE.

I understand that Preacher may have influenced the way comics are made today, but I'd still rather read today's comics. Maybe it's just that the series takes awhile to hit its stride. If there's a way to read it without spending any more money, I'll give it another shot.


Blogger Skim said...

Confessional update: I now own most of the graphic novels and hope to get the rest someday soon.


7/21/2006 1:27 AM  

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