Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Sense Chronology

In writing class last week, the guy sitting next to me and I had a contest to see who had the louder whistling booger. He didn't know we were competing, but he still won. I'll get him tomorrow night.

Yesterday, I spent the most money I ever have on a t-shirt. You should've seen the look on Megan's face when I told her how much it cost. It doesn't look the same on me as it did on the mannequin, so I'll return it tomorrow and use the money to get that operation I've been needing.

This morning, my microphone at the radio station smelled like cake batter.

Rachel Ray is a wasteful bitch. I should have her job. Forty dollars a day just to eat? Try five bucks.
Breakfast: Butterfinger - $0.50
Lunch: Cheez-Its - $0.99
Dinner: slice of pizza - $2.25.
That's only $3.74. I still have enough left over to sponsor a hungry child in a third-world country.

Cheddar Jack Cheez-Its are basically crispy little crack squares.

I swear that I'll start running in the mornings beginning tomorrow. I'm pretty confident that I can keep up with it this time, because I've a new goal for myself. Instead of distance or time goals, which do nothing for me, I've decided I want to run until I am fit enough to experience a "runner's high." I've never had that before, and I want to know what it feels like at least once. My guess is it's a sham.

I know Connie's probably gonna beat me in most consecutive daily posts, and she isn't even trying. Dammit.


Blogger Peter said...

How much was the T-shirt?

4/12/2006 7:09 PM  
Blogger Black Licorice said...

Your blog is about QUALITY. Not quantity.

4/12/2006 7:10 PM  
Blogger curious m said...

Approximately one BIL-lion Cheez-Its.

4/12/2006 9:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe Koreans are incapable of achieving "runner's high." Cause I've tried to find that mythical beast and she's eluded me every time.

4/13/2006 10:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I get slacker's high - it's that ecstasy that comes from deciding to walk the next block.

4/13/2006 11:12 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you've unkowingly had the equivalent of "runner's high" already.
it's called "the meatsweats", my friend.

4/13/2006 5:51 PM  
Blogger Skim said...

I never had the meatsweats! You've had the meatsweats!

4/13/2006 10:11 PM  
Blogger Skim said...

It cost fifty bucks. Since this post will go off the main page tomorrow, I feel a little better about revealing the price.

4/18/2006 4:20 PM  

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