Gonna be a long two years or I should function on rage-a-hol
I already miss the Olympics. If I could enjoy curling for two hours, then obviously, I'll be hurting without my fix of all the glory that are the Olympic Games. Well, maybe I won't miss everything about the Olympics. I've ranted for the past ten years about NBC's abyssmal coverage of the games. Other countries provide live coverage over multiple networks, but over here, we just have to have our shows. Did you enjoy Nascar last weekend? Did you? I hate you.
Also, there's the whole Apollo Anton Ohno thing. In the past, I've had a hate/hate relationship with Mr. Shitty-Soul-Patch-Judges-Always-Love-Me. Now, I have kind of a begrudging appreciation of him - not because he won gold, mind you, but because without him, I never would've seen Korea win 6 of 8 golds in short track. The American cameras love him, so I'll put up with him. He can have his one gold (that other one doesn't count).

Ok, so thank you Mr. Stupidname -- because of you, short track was a major feature in these past olympics. HOWEVER!! (And I understand this is by no means the fault of El Shitpatch) In the most exciting event of the games, the men's short track relay (I may be a little biased), NBC opted to focus on the Americans for the entire race. They were competing for the bronze medal for almost the entire time. BRONZE!!! The race for first was far from boring. There were multiple lead changes between the Koreans and Canadians, with the Koreans coming out on top (how could not with Ahn anchoring the team?). We did get to see them cross the finish, but only for that split-second and only after it was clear Ohno would place third. You can see it all here. Be warned though -- you might end up like me, screaming -- SCREAMING at the screen.
I'm going to Vancouver for the next Winter Olympics, and I'm going to carry a big "FUCK NBC!" poster and run around alongside the skaters. I will be the reason coverage of the olympics will not be broadcasted live but with a seven-second delay. I will be cackling.
Oh, and if any weirdos feel like posting a comment in defence of Apollo, just remember that his fanbase consists primarily of preadolescent girls. Are you a little girl?
Sorry about the cussin', Mom.
Also, there's the whole Apollo Anton Ohno thing. In the past, I've had a hate/hate relationship with Mr. Shitty-Soul-Patch-Judges-Always-Love-Me. Now, I have kind of a begrudging appreciation of him - not because he won gold, mind you, but because without him, I never would've seen Korea win 6 of 8 golds in short track. The American cameras love him, so I'll put up with him. He can have his one gold (that other one doesn't count).

Ok, so thank you Mr. Stupidname -- because of you, short track was a major feature in these past olympics. HOWEVER!! (And I understand this is by no means the fault of El Shitpatch) In the most exciting event of the games, the men's short track relay (I may be a little biased), NBC opted to focus on the Americans for the entire race. They were competing for the bronze medal for almost the entire time. BRONZE!!! The race for first was far from boring. There were multiple lead changes between the Koreans and Canadians, with the Koreans coming out on top (how could not with Ahn anchoring the team?). We did get to see them cross the finish, but only for that split-second and only after it was clear Ohno would place third. You can see it all here. Be warned though -- you might end up like me, screaming -- SCREAMING at the screen.
I'm going to Vancouver for the next Winter Olympics, and I'm going to carry a big "FUCK NBC!" poster and run around alongside the skaters. I will be the reason coverage of the olympics will not be broadcasted live but with a seven-second delay. I will be cackling.
Oh, and if any weirdos feel like posting a comment in defence of Apollo, just remember that his fanbase consists primarily of preadolescent girls. Are you a little girl?
Sorry about the cussin', Mom.
hmmm i think i need to watch more board cross... that was fun... and the cross country marathon was very interesting... i just wish they showed more that 5 of the 50+ min.
maybe i just like sport events with the word cross in it... like "hang the thief on the cross" Romans loved that game.
... and Jed was soooo mad.
The End.
Not to get too far off topic, but his name is spelled Apolo. That probably shouldn't annoy me so much, since he (presumably) didn't name himself, but it does. It does.
i was equally (ok, maybe not quite equally) upset with the coverage of the most exciting event in speedskating.
Oh my God! I didn't realize that, but you're right! That does make him so much more annoying for no good reason.
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