Thursday, February 23, 2006

I love the olympics more than I should

Did anyone else see the Swedish women take the gold in curling today? Did you see the clutch, last-stone shot that snagged victory in overtime? Can you explain to me what the hell was going on? And why was I able to watch the entire match when I had no idea what the rules were? Why am I now thinking of moving to Canada to try curling out for myself?

On a side note, had my parents stayed in Korea, I'm pretty sure I'd have won the gold as a short-track speed skater.

Yet another side note: viewer ratings would skyrocket if they switched the skiing in the biathlon from cross-country to ski jumping.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah, saw that too while i was at the gym. really clutch shot to knock those two stone things out of the target area, but their reaction (fist pumping, facial expressions) was hilarious.

2/24/2006 8:27 AM  
Blogger RJW said...

i watched the last four "ends" as they call it on the only channel i permit myself to watch (cnbc), although this does count as a sports exception. I don't know the rules really either, i think it's to have the stones in the circle at the end. that last shot was something.

2/24/2006 7:55 PM  

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