It doesn't take much
And that's all I needed to have a good day. Well...that and Korea winning their first match at the World Cup.
A word about the meatsweats: Well Drew and I were talking and he said he thought he'd had ‘em before, and I'm pretty sure I must've had ‘em at one time or another. That fine mist forming on your lip, those beads of sweat gathering on your brow. Things that cannot be blamed on the heat or even the physical strain of overfilling your stomach. A phenomenon all its own. If you know of them, if you too have dampened your collar dining on flesh - Don’t be ashamed. We understand.
Further delving into posts reveals yet another quiz, this time from Down With Toledo. Although my first thought is to go with "It's usually easier and sometimes better to destroy everyone else who disagrees with one's philosophy than it is to convince them to change", I'm gonna have to go with my gut and say it's the jowls. Definitely the jowls.
While reading Nick's blog, I paused to test my reverse alphabetabilities. I nailed it on the first try, really quickly too. Why can I do this?
Finally, I leave you with the subject line from my favorite email this week: With Penis Enlarge Patch your cock will win the beauty contest.
The crown will be mine...