Friday, April 29, 2005
Numbero Uno
Because I am self-obsessed, I discovered today that Googling "meatsweats" brings up my blog for the first two entries. Woo hoo! That'll probably boost readership by oh, let's say one person. Perhaps this means that I should really work to make this blog that much better. After all, this is the place they're gonna come when they want the skinny on flesh-induced perspiration. We'll see...
A side note:
Thankfully, extensive Googling of the term "ass-mud" has yet to bring up any mention of Meat Sweats.
Thursday, April 28, 2005
Cubs Virus - Contract It !!!
Continuing with the spending money trend, I eagerly await the arrival of my recently won Sharp Minidisc player. With it, I will be one step closer to the much anticipated audio blog. Soon, David Duchovny won't be the only one to be so cool.
Wednesday, April 27, 2005
I win again
Up yours.
Sunday, April 24, 2005
Possible Meat Sweats Alert!!!
Friday, April 22, 2005
First day of spring
Thursday, April 21, 2005
Not used to working
Hell no.
Tuesday, April 19, 2005
Herr Pope Benedict XVI
Just how much confessing and penance do you have to do to allay bad karma over wartime atrocities? 50 Hail Mary's? 100?
Monday, April 18, 2005
Friday, April 15, 2005
Picture window of opportunity
Wednesday, April 13, 2005
Why I listen to the news
Today on my drive home, I tuned into the traffic report on my favorite San Diego radio station. The guy was giving the usual routine on the sad state of highway traffic around the city. What caught my attention was his explanation of some of the slower movement. "The Padres have just finished up a doubleheader against the Cubs, so expect traffic downtown to be backed up for awhile." Great job, dude. That helpful information could prevent a lot of headaches. However, that advice would probably be best given to those driving around Wrigleyville since those games were played in CHICAGO.
I think it's time I found a new favorite radio station.Tuesday, April 12, 2005
Pet Sounds
The "Pet Sounds" that I prefer can be heard issuing daily from a house one street over from ours. Megan and I discovered it about a week ago, and it has truly brought joy to our lives. On the first Sunday evening after the Daylight Savings time change, as we were walking back from Balboa Park, we overheard a pair of squawking parrots. They were mimicking what was unmistakably the sounds of loud, aggressive sex. Especially nice was that each had his own part and strictly adhered to it. At one point in the exchange, as one repeatedly grunted in mimicked exertion, the other cawed out a gasped, "Oh God!" Hopefully, the children playing in the park next door didn't notice. Otherwise, someone might complain, and my favorite new radio program will be cancelled.
There are several questions that this raises. One being, how loud and frequent must you be before your parrots can accurately immitate your lovemaking? Another is what to do with your parrots once they've begun showcasing your private tendencies. You can't ever give them away for fear that some stranger would know what gets you off. Also, it'd be wrong to kill them just because of something you did. Maybe the best option is to do what these owners have done and cover the front of your house with a huge blanket and opt never to show your face in daylight. I guess I'll just have to keep wondering. After all, it's not like I can ring the doorbell and ask them. Maybe answers will be forthcoming from the secret-baring birds. Actually, I'm holding out for a "NOT ON THE SHEETS!"
Saturday, April 09, 2005
It's official!
Speaking of mad profits, my eBay scheme is almost at an end. I posted all but one of my PSP's yesterday, and the auctions are closing as I type. As it looks right now, I stand to make little to no profit on this venture. Of course, some buyer could screw me over and either not pay, or pull a Paypal scam on me. However, I would not be opposed to traveling great distances to break thumbs and/or kneecaps. After all, I'm only working 20 hours a week.