Not many of you might know this, but I don’t intend to remain an assistant biosafety coordinator (
a.k.a. janitor) all my life. I know I’d have to be crazy to give up this heady, hedonistic, hazardous lifestyle with its huge paychecks and fast women, but it just doesn’t inspire any hope in me for a bright and fulfilling future. Journalism, though – now there’s a field I could really see myself enjoying!
Specifically, I want to get into radio journalism. All those years of listening to
This American Life and wishing I could be Jonathan Goldstein and Sarah Vowell and Ira Glass have sufficiently addled my brain enough to the point that I now believe I
am Jonathan Goldstein and Sarah Vowell and Ira Glass and it’s a big party in here listening to swingin’ hits and discussing sound levels.
I’m not David Sedaris, though; he is gay, and I am not gay. So, it’s either therapy or actually pursuing the field so that I can move the party out of my dreams and into my (car?) Also, I can’t afford therapy. Otherwise I’d
SO be there.
I’ve slowly taken steps to ensure I reach the goal. How slowly? Well, I put off applying for grad school till next year, I’ve barely used the expensive recording equipment I couldn’t afford but bought anyway, and I’ve interviewed a handful of people without actually doing anything with the interviews afterward. On the other hand, I have made some steps: I illegally downloaded some editing software, I’m interning at a talk radio station, and I began this blog. Believe it or not, this blog was supposed to be a means for me to practice my writing and to publish audio pieces. Now, I’m a just shy of a year with this thing, and I’ve used it mainly to bitch about the minutia of my daily life.
WELL NO MORE! I hereby vow that I will shortly begin posting shitty little pieces that I’ve cobbled together using a decrepit minidisk recorder and a second-rate microphone (not the nice one Kevin lent me). Prepare to be underwhelmed by my inept interviewing abilities as I talk to people about their boring lives! Actually, that’s not fair; their lives are far more exciting than mine. COMING SOON: JED’S EXCITING INTRODUCTION TO THE WORLD OF RENAISSANCE FAIRES!
In other news, I’ve taken over engineering responsibilities for a couple of shows at the radio station. I’ve got a show called “The Writers’ Roundtable” on Wednesday mornings (barring the return of the guy who used to do it), and I’ll soon be taking over some shows on Sunday mornings. They are, respectively: a show about horse-racing, an advice hour for men on dating women, and a program in which a woman relays the personal messages God sends her about politics (God hates Bush, by the way). Tomorrow’s a big day for the Writers’ Roundtable – Anne Rice is joining us in the studio. I’ve never read anything by her, but I still look forward to meeting her. Is that lame? You can listen live 9-11 am PT at You won’t hear anything from me, though. I’m just the guy who sits behind the glass hoping to God he doesn’t mess up the microphone levels.